2,211 research outputs found

    Phase Synchronization Operator for On-Chip Brain Functional Connectivity Computation

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    This paper presents an integer-based digital processor for the calculation of phase synchronization between two neural signals. It is based on the measurement of time periods between two consecutive minima. The simplicity of the approach allows for the use of elementary digital blocks, such as registers, counters, and adders. The processor, fabricated in a 0.18- μ m CMOS process, only occupies 0.05 mm 2 and consumes 15 nW from a 0.5 V supply voltage at a signal input rate of 1024 S/s. These low-area and low-power features make the proposed processor a valuable computing element in closed-loop neural prosthesis for the treatment of neural disorders, such as epilepsy, or for assessing the patterns of correlated activity in neural assemblies through the evaluation of functional connectivity maps.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-80923-POffice of Naval Research (USA) N00014-19-1-215

    Real-time phase correlation based integrated system for seizure detection

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    This paper reports a low area, low power, integer-based digital processor for the calculation of phase synchronization between two neural signals. The processor calculates the phase-frequency content of a signal by identifying the specific time periods associated with two consecutive minima. The simplicity of this phase-frequency content identifier allows for the digital processor to utilize only basic digital blocks, such as registers, counters, adders and subtractors, without incorporating any complex multiplication and or division algorithms. In fact, the processor, fabricated in a 0.18μm CMOS process, only occupies an area of 0.0625μm2 and consumes 12.5nW from a 1.2V supply voltage when operated at 128kHz. These low-area, low-power features make the proposed processor a valuable computing element in closed loop neural prosthesis for the treatment of neural diseases, such as epilepsy, or for extracting functional connectivity maps between different recording sites in the brain.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016- 80923-

    Lp-valued measures without finite X-semivariation for 2 < p < ∞

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    We show that for 1 ≤ p < ∞, the property that every Lp-valued vector measure has finite X-semivariation in Lp(μ, X) is equivalent to the property that every continuous linear map from 1 to X is p-summing. For 2 < p < ∞, we explicitly construct an Lp([0, 1])-valued measure without finite Lp-semivariation.Generalitat ValencianaMinisterio de Educación y CienciaUniversidad Politécnica de ValenciaCentre for Mathematics and its Applications at the Australian National Universit

    Modeling the Heart as a Communication System

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    Electrical communication between cardiomyocytes can be perturbed during arrhythmia, but these perturbations are not captured by conventional electrocardiographic metrics. We developed a theoretical framework to quantify electrical communication using information theory metrics in 2-dimensional cell lattice models of cardiac excitation propagation. The time series generated by each cell was coarse-grained to 1 when excited or 0 when resting. The Shannon entropy for each cell was calculated from the time series during four clinically important heart rhythms: normal heartbeat, anatomical reentry, spiral reentry, and multiple reentry. We also used mutual information to perform spatial profiling of communication during these cardiac arrhythmias. We found that information sharing between cells was spatially heterogeneous. In addition, cardiac arrhythmia significantly impacted information sharing within the heart. Entropy localized the path of the drifting core of spiral reentry, which could be an optimal target of therapeutic ablation. We conclude that information theory metrics can quantitatively assess electrical communication among cardiomyocytes. The traditional concept of the heart as a functional syncytium sharing electrical information cannot predict altered entropy and information sharing during complex arrhythmia. Information theory metrics may find clinical application in the identification of rhythm-specific treatments which are currently unmet by traditional electrocardiographic techniques.Comment: 26 pages (including Appendix), 6 figures, 8 videos (not uploaded due to size limitation

    pyDockDNA: a new approach for protein-DNA docking

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    Here we present pyDockDNA, which is based on the pyDock program, with a new module for reading and parsing DNA molecules. The protocol is composed of two major steps: sampling and scoring. The first sampling step consists in the generation of 10,000 protein-DNA docking models by FTDock [5]. This program takes a protein and a nucleic acid coordinate file, discretizes the molecules into corresponding 3D grids, and computes their geometric correlation by using Fast Fourier Transform algorithms to speed up the translations between the two molecules

    Excepciones a la jornada de trabajo: límites y alternativas

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    Esta tesis versa sobre la validez de las excepciones a la jornada de trabajo desde la perspectiva constitucional y supraconstitucional, en la medida que existe una normatividad laboral peruana que permite exceptuar de la jornada a cierta categoría de trabajadores como la persona de dirección, los trabajadores no sujetos a fiscalización inmediata y el personal intermitente con lapsos de inactividad. Resulta relevante revisar la excepción, la definición de dichas categorías y sus límites, toda vez que resulta un número importante de trabajadores que no tendrían la posibilidad de registrar su tiempo de trabajo, no tendrían derecho a las sobre tasas por horas extras. Sin embargo, los efectos negativos no solo son de tipo económico o de medición del tiempo, sino que involucran temas de seguridad y salud en el trabajo, derecho al ocio, desarrollo de la persona e incluso como política de empleo. Así, la flexibilidad normativa de las categorías exceptuadas de la jornada de trabajo – aunado al hecho que la jurisprudencia no ha podido delimitar – ha generado una desprotección del derecho constitucional a la jornada y a la afectación a la irrenunciabilidad de los derechos constitucionales. En el presente trabajo hemos analizado la importancia del concepto tiempo de trabajo y la justificación del derecho constitucional. En el segundo capítulo, hemos analizado las excepciones a la jornada y su validez desde el ámbito constitucional y supraconstitucional; concluyendo en el tercer capítulo con las limitaciones a las excepciones, así como las recomendaciones para modificar la normatividad que regula actualmente esta materia, a fin de hacerla compatible con el derecho constitucional a la jornada de trabajo, derecho al ocio y dignidad de la persona.Tesi

    Literature in the Teaching of English: A Proposal for Innovation Using Haikus

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    Máster Univ. en Formación del Profes. en E.S.O., Bachillerato, F.P. y E.Ii

    El fuzzy clustering y la similitud musical: aplicación a la composición asistida por ordenador

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    [ES] La composición musical asistida por ordenador es un área de conocimiento que tiene sus orígenes en la segunda mitad del siglo pasado. Durante sus más de sesenta años de existencia han aparecido numerosas propuestas para abordar el problema de la creatividad artificial aplicada al ámbito de la variación musical, la emulación de estilos, la escritura automatizada de contrapunto o la composición estocástica, entre muchos otros. En la presente memoria propondremos un nuevo método para la generación computacional de variaciones y transiciones a partir de material musical proporcionado por el compositor, ya sea de carácter melódico, rítmico, armónico o tímbrico. La originalidad de nuestro método radica en la construcción de nuevos algoritmos basados en las técnicas de agrupamiento difuso, capaces incorporar el orden de los elementos de los conjuntos de datos durante el proceso de partición. Para implementar computacionalmente estas técnicas hemos diseñado el software Mercury mediante el que realizaremos distintos experimentos cuyos resultados, en forma de transiciones musicales, ilustrarán la utilidad de nuestra propuesta. Completaremos la presente investigación con la composición de la obra Transiciones difusas, para cuarteto de cuerdas, adjunta como apéndice. La metodología propuesta implica formular una nueva medida de la disimilitud musical, aplicable de forma general a la comparación de dos secuencias numéricas cualesquiera, con las que se pueda representar cualquier tupla de atributos musicales. Es posible, por tanto, aplicar esta disimilitud sobre ámbitos más teóricos como los sistemas de afinación. Finalmente propondremos diversos métodos para estimar la compatibilidad entre un conjunto de notas y un sistema de afinación generando, en última instancia, transiciones entre diferentes sistemas.[CA] La composició musical assistida per ordinador és una àrea de coneixement que té els seus orígens a meitat del segle passat. Durant els seus més de seixanta anys d'existència han aparegut nombroses propostes per a abordar el problema de la creativitat artificial aplicada a l'àmbit de la generació de variacions, emulació d'estils, escriptura automatitzada de contrapunt i composició de música estocàstica, entre molts altres. En aquesta memòria proposarem un nou mètode per a crear variacions i transicions entre material musical preexistent, ja siga de caràcter melòdic, rítmic, harmònic o tímbric. L'originalitat del nostre mètode radica en la construcció d'algoritmes basats en la tècnica de fuzzy clustering, capaços de realitzar agrupaments en què es té en compte l'ordre dels elements dels conjunts de dades. Per a implementar aquestes tècniques, hem dissenyat el programari Mercury mitjançant el qual es realitzaran experiments amb transicions entre melodies, ritmes i seqüències harmòniques que il·lustraran la utilitat de la nostra proposta, i que culminaran amb la composició de l'obra Transicions difuses, adjunta com a apèndix. La metodologia proposada no només té conseqüències pràctiques, sinó que implica formular una nova mesura de la dissimilitud musical, aplicable de forma general a la comparació de qualsevol parell de seqüències numèriques, que puguen representar melodies, ritmes, harmonies o timbres. Un cop establert com valorar la dissimilitud, aquesta també pot aplicar-se a àmbits molt més teòrics, com són els sistemes d'afinació. Proposarem diversos mètodes per a estimar la compatibilitat entre un conjunt de notes i un sistema d'afinació i generar, en última instància, transicions entre dos sistemes d'afinació. Aquesta tasca pot facilitar la interpretació d'obres en un sistema d'afinació diferent d'aquell per al qual van ser concebudes, sempre que s'exigisca que el nivell de compatibilitat entre els dos sistemes siga acceptable.[EN] Computer-assisted composition is an area of knowledge that has its origins in the middle of the last century. During its more than sixty years of existence, numerous proposals have appeared to address the problem of artificial creativity applied to the field of generation of variations, emulation of styles, automated counterpoint writing, stochastic music composition, among many others. In this report we will propose a new method to create variations and transitions between pre-existing musical material, be it melodic, rhythmic, harmonic or timbre-related. The originality of our method lies in the construction of algorithms based on the technique of fuzzy clustering, capable of performing groupings in which the order of the elements of the data sets is taken into account. To implement these techniques, we designed the software Mercury through which experiments will be performed with transitions between melodies, rhythms and harmonic sequences that will illustrate the usefulness of our proposal, and that will culminate with the composition of the work Fuzzy Transitions, attached as an appendix. The proposed methodology not only has practical consequences, but also implies formulating a new measure of musical dissimilarity, applicable in a general way to the comparison of any pair of numerical sequences, which may represent melodies, rhythms, harmonies or timbres. Once established how to assess the dissimilarity, this can also be applied to much more theoretical areas, such as tuning systems. We will propose various methods to estimate the compatibility between a set of notes and an tuning system and, in the last instance, generate transitions between two tuning systems. This work can facilitate the interpretation of works in a tuning system different from that for which they were conceived, whenever it is required that the level of compatibility between both systems is acceptable.Martínez Rodríguez, BS. (2019). El fuzzy clustering y la similitud musical: aplicación a la composición asistida por ordenador [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/134056TESI

    Postgraduate studies for modern languages professionals from Universidad ECCI

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    Learning another language has acquired more interest among people in recent years, not only because of the better job opportunities one can have, but also because it has several benefits for our health1. Those are two of the main reasons why courses related to foreign languages have become more appealing nowadays. For this project then, we have specifically taken the Modern Languages students from Universidad ECCI for a research regarding the many uncertainties that at the same time come up on them when it comes to their future, academic and work-wise, as most of them do not seem to know the Postgraduate Studies which they can pursue and / or are not fully aware about the prospective job opportunities.Abstract Graphics and Tables List of Annexes Introduction 1 Chapter One - Problem Definition 1.1 Statement of the Problem 1.2 Formulation of the Problem 2 Chapter Two - Justification and Limitation of the Problem 2.1 Justification 2.2 Limitation 3 Chapter Three - Research Objectives 3.1 General Objective 3.2 Specific Objectives 4 Chapter Four - Reference Framework 4.1 State Of The Art 4.2 Theoretical Framework 4.3 Contextual Framework 5 Chapter Five - Research Design 5.1 Resources 5.2 Timetable of Activities 6 Chapter Six - Results Analysis 6.1 Category 1: Receptiveness 6.2 Category 2: Offer of Known Postgraduate Studies 6.3 Category 3: Learning Methodology and Budget 6.4 Collaboration 6.5 Opinions of others 7 Conclusions 8 Recommendations 9 Bibliography 10 AnnexesPregradoProfesional en Lenguas ModernasLenguas Moderna